Sunday, December 11, 2005

Visions of Books and Sausages:

I am trying so hard to avoid doing anything that I must do to complete this semester at school… Sometimes I think that all my good intentions for a back up plan is one giant folly. As I am staring at the last of what needs to be turned in, all associated with payroll, returns and statements, I am about to just close my eyes and go back to bed! I also think that when faced with many of those unexpected details (instructor kept on changing syllabus all the way through he week of Thanksgiving, and it is just wrong!), my mind tends to go blank.

I am having visions of Christmas Brunch in my head instead. Menu ideas floating in and out – should we have quiche with spinach or seafood? And since I don’t like the smell of cooking bacon, can we avoid bacon alltogether and have something like lovely little breakfast sausages instead? And another question – will I end up cooking for too many people, as I usually do, and will everyone who promised show up? Or just bugger it and have pastries from Panera and gallons and gallons of coffee and tea, and just let everyone loose? Right. Who gives about Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return when there is such a pressing issue as sausages?! Te-he-he…

I am also running a list of to do in my head. Like, I must get on Ebay and get that book I have been after for years and years now. In the early 90s no one in this country even heard of it, and it use to bug me, like I just was talking about the book that I have invented. No, it exists, now that Ebay is running the consumer friendly universe. If you are crazy about books (I am) than you can find just about anything and have it, too! Well, this book, Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian author and playwright, has been my favorite since childhood. I finally located it, and now I just have to go and get it.
I was thinking about books, and got to think about all my favorite poetry books that I would like to re-read, again… And that second volume of War and Peace has been left unfinished (GASP!). How could I?

So, I am just running with random, truly random thoughts in my head and again, practicing Zen of avoidance. Oh, well.

And then there is a comment I was running in my head on latest entry for Illustration Friday. First of all – I had very bad and small pick of Cupid and Psyche that was basis for the drawing. Second, I think if I had more time, I would end up playing around with it indefinitely. But this painting (Cupid and Psyche) been bothering me for a while, they are so fresh and cute and clean and shiny. My antisocial and demented self (that is usually firmly locked away) reared its head and said – hey, what about this fresh and shiny notion of Love?
Do we fall in love and get surprised later?
Do we choose to love a monster, knowing he/she is a monster, as long as they keep up appearances?
Or we just choose to love what is available to us and pretend it is not a monster at all?
Or maybe we are the monsters from the monster’s point of view – all clean and shiny, and it is a monster that has to sacrifice some of self to keep the clean and shiny mask on for the benefit of other?
And what a surprise that Love, that beautiful thing, can turn into a consuming flame and just fry our toes!

That is what has been running through my head. Fun. Also beat the hell out of Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return! Arg! It have been dragging on whole weekend – my doing little bits and pieces… I have to do it, be done, finished. Lily.


Blogger Anonymous said...

Cupid and Psyche! This is excellent news ... very pleased! Do we fall in love and get surprised later - sometimes. Do we choose to love a monster, knowing, as long as they keep up appearances - we often do want to be blind. Or we just choose to love what is available to us and pretend it is not a monster at all - after we realize it really IS a monster but didn't want to admit it earlier. Or maybe we are the monsters from the monster’s point of view who has to sacrifice some of self to keep the clean and shiny mask on for the benefit of other - that as well! THEN the other Monster can't keep it up forever. Neither Monsters can, and our toes fry off.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Lily and Lucy White said...

Yep, thus the smell of something fried – toes for everyone? Should we serve love-fried toes for Christmas brunch? Nah, don’t scare the children, they will learn the “fried toe” factor all on their own, and adults might get annoyed.
By and by… After 13 years of faithful service, my cats, have promoted me from Slave to Staff. I am thrilled. We are still working on inter-species cooperation… I am not to par, but they are very patient. And persistent.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Hellcat said...

I suggest Slave toes for everyone - your cats are old enough to know they need severe training in regards to the True Order of the Universe!

1:47 PM  

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